Unifying Generations: Building the Pathway to Intergenerational Solidarity

21 June 2022, Brussels

Demographic changes and medical advances mean that, for the first time, four generations share a longer lifespan together. This societal evolution requires a revolutionary change to the way age and generations are perceived.
As we emerge from the past two years, questions arise around how we can better support cohesion between generations and intergenerational unity moving forward in a time of global uncertainty.
A panel of experts in the field of intergenerational solidarity, demographic change, and healthy ageing sat down together to discuss key insights gathered in a new report Unifying Generations: Building the Pathway to Intergenerational Solidarity, while addressing the new emerging pathway that needs to be built to highlight the value the third generation brings to society.

Unifying Generations: Building the Pathway to Intergenerational Solidarity2022-06-27T13:14:33+02:00

Early Bird: Ever closer Union for cancer patients? How to facilitate access to clinical trials across borders

7 February 2022, 8.30-9.00 CET

Participating in a clinical trial for a new medicine can be the ultimate hope for cancer patients. However, access to clinical trials across borders often remains challenging, even in the European Union: patients are vulnerable and often face high costs, language and cultural challenges, and patients and clinicians must deal with additional legal uncertainties.

The good news is that there is broad consensus amongst European institutions, researchers and their networks, and cancer patients that enabling patients’ access to clinical trials across borders is important. Also, and at just one year old, Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan presents an opportunity to facilitate cross-country clinical trials.

Considering the political will and momentum in Europe, what are practical challenges for patients and researchers to enable more cross-border participation? How can Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan facilitate better legislative, administrative, and regulatory frameworks? What are best practices that can help to find solutions fast enough for patients in need of access to treatments now?

Early Bird: Ever closer Union for cancer patients? How to facilitate access to clinical trials across borders2022-02-07T10:29:47+02:00

Webinar: Climate and Health – why should policymakers and the public be concerned?

23 November

With the global temperatures on the rise and increasing climate instability, what will be the impact on health? How can society best respond now to future challenges that both address the economic realities of climate change and anticipate any demands that may be placed upon public health systems which are already under severe strain due to demographic shifts and aging populations.

Natural experiments of the impact of enforced rapid reduction in economic activity and reduced pollution are being seen in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Topics to be considered in the webinar include impacts of planned efforts to limit climate change on financial health and thus funding for healthcare; increasing need for emergency support for floods and associated epidemics; health effects of forced migration; and climate change, pollution and health. Reducing global warming via less pollution would reduce risks of communicable diseases and non- communicable diseases, including cancers. What evidence on health benefits of limiting climate change would lead to a change in policy?

Webinar: Climate and Health – why should policymakers and the public be concerned?2021-12-01T14:21:18+02:00

Webinar: Equity and Outcomes, Ensuring Fair Access to Healthcare

28 September 2021, 4pm UK

Life expectancy is generally on the increase, including healthy life expectancy. New treatments that have greatly improved the chance of survival following the diagnosis of life-threatening diseases.

However, comparisons of survival rates reveal striking differences among countries for cancers, cardiovascular disorders and other serious non-communicable and communicable diseases, even between countries with a similar GDP. What are the reasons for these differences and, more importantly, what are the best ways to address them? The aim of the session is to raise awareness among health policy makers, clinical and biotechnology, health professionals, academics and interested public and patients about gaps and needs for equity in health outcomes and fair access to healthcare.

Webinar: Equity and Outcomes, Ensuring Fair Access to Healthcare2021-10-07T11:58:24+02:00

Webinar: Taking the next step: health literacy and the fight against cancer

14 April, 8.30-9.00 CET

Higher degrees of health literacy support patients at every stage of their journeys: they help to navigate decision-making and elevate patients to partners. If combined with health literate institutions, the coproduction of health can improve patient care and help reduce costs of unnecessary and inappropriate medical intervention.
Policy changes to increase health literacy have been notoriously difficult to implement, due also to a lack of evidence about the correlation between measures to increase health literacy and actual outcomes. Several initiatives have taken on the task to create such evidence. Most recently, Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan promises to make cancer literacy a priority for European policy makers, guidelines, and programs of action.
What do we know about the value of health literacy, where do we need to know more? How can we achieve higher degrees of health literacy? What lessons can we draw from the current pandemic? Join two outstanding experts for an Early Bird discussion on health literacy!

Webinar: Taking the next step: health literacy and the fight against cancer2021-10-07T11:59:03+02:00

Webinar: Cancer care during a pandemic – what have we learned so far?

10 March, 18:00-18:30

It will probably take years before we can understand the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on cancer patients. We know about decreasing diagnosis, interrupted treatment cycles, and other unintended effects of pandemic control measures. We don’t know, however, what exactly these changes mean for cancer patients and their survival rates. Even though high-quality data is often lacking and there is significant heterogeneity in real world evidence connecting treatment delays with increased mortality, studies increasingly highlight delays in cancer treatment during the past months. More recently, there have also been attempts to standardize estimates of the effects of treatment delays on survival rates, offering important lessons for cancer care systems. How can we quantify the impact of delays in cancer treatment on mortality? What do we know about the causal links between pandemic control measures and cancer care? How can patients, health care professionals, and policymakers help minimize delays in cancer treatment initiation?

Webinar: Cancer care during a pandemic – what have we learned so far?2021-08-02T09:39:41+02:00

Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan: Why we need it now

10 Feb, 2021, 08:30 – 09:00 CET

"Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan” sounds like something that should be around already. With the Europeans carrying 25% of the global population’s cancer burden, a coherent strategy tackling cancer incidence and mortality in Europe is only consequential. Or is it? Cancer treatment remains a personal and often local matter, and different perspectives exist across Europe on access to cancer care, budgets, and spending. These are reflected in different public health systems and policies at the level of EU member states. Cancer control activities vary greatly within Europe as do the outcomes of cancer care. Considering high European ambitions, persisting interests in member states, and local sensitivities: What can we expect from Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan? How can it become a success and more than just yet another document?

Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan: Why we need it now2021-03-01T09:34:39+02:00
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