Better Science, Better Health
New Trial Pathways and Better Patient Data

Royal College of Physicians
October 21st, 2014

This event is by invitation only

Conference overview:

A gathering of the world’s thought leaders in medicine’s adaptive pathways to patients (MAPPs).

Topics Include:

  • How can Europe proceed in the implementation of new development pathways and evidence generation to improve the access of needed new therapies to patients?
  • What are the current best practices, successes, and opportunities for the integration of patient data and analytics to improve patient outcomes and identify new medicines?
  • How can IMI2’s efforts and programmes under Horizon 2020 help European patients and healthcare providers?

Building on the EMA’s pilot project in adaptive pathways and the UK Government’s Support of a breakthrough designation, IMI, NewDigs and EFPIA will host this international conference to outline research and innovation in adaptive clinical pathways and patient data usage.

This event is by invitation only:


Edward Abrahams

Personalized Medicine Coalition

Wendy Currie

Editor in Chief,
Health Policy & Technology
Audencia, France

In collaboration with: