EMIF: “Digital Citizen, Digital Patient”
28th-29th June, Tallinn, Estonia
For more information about EMIF, visit the EMIF website

Digital Citizen, Digital Patient: How Wearables Can Fill the Data Gaps in Orphan Drug Development
An interview with Elin Haf Davies, CEO and founder of aparito
“It is hard enough to take the measurements needed for regulators in the clinic, let alone to reflect what matters to patients, and wearables certainly help”, said Elin Haf Davies

Digital citizen, digital patient: EMIF makes it as good to give as to receive
An interview with Nigel Hughes, Scientific Director, Quantitative Sciences at Janssen Research and Development
“By removing barriers to data exchange, EMIF has provided potent demonstrations of the power of pooling resources in Alzheimer’s disease and metabolic disorders. These exemplars are incentivising data sharing”, says Nigel Hughes

Digital citizen, digital patient: EMIF is bringing the power of numbers to dementia research
An interview with Simon Lovestone, Professor of Translational Neuroscience at Oxford University, UK
Making data repositories visible and easy to access is transforming translational research in Alzheimer’s disease. “You can answer questions you couldn’t before,” says Simon Lovestone, academic lead of the programme

An interview with Peeter Ross, e-Health Professor & Senior Researcher eMedicine Lab, Tallinn University of Technology
Estonia provides an exemplar of how member states can draw on EU projects to support the development of ehealth applications. “We’ve not discovered anything here – we just implement,” says Peeter Ross

An interview with Ain Aaviksoo, Deputy General Secretary on eServices and Innovation, Ministry of Social Affairs, Estonia
“In Estonia, it is now assumed a natural thing that when a patient moves through the healthcare system and between health and social care, that the data about the individual is available”, says Ain Aaviksoo