WEBINAR: Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan: Why we need it now
10 Feb, 2021, 08:30 – 09:00 CET
“Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan” sounds like something that should be around already. With the Europeans carrying 25% of the global population’s cancer burden, a coherent strategy tackling cancer incidence and mortality in Europe is only consequential. Or is it?
Cancer treatment remains a personal and often local matter, and different perspectives exist across Europe on access to cancer care, budgets, and spending. These are reflected in different public health systems and policies at the level of EU member states. Cancer control activities vary greatly within Europe as do the outcomes of cancer care.
Considering high European ambitions, persisting interests in member states, and local sensitivities: What can we expect from Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan? How can it become a success and more than just yet another document?

Matthias Schuppe
European Commission
DG Santé
Project Team Leader for Cancer

Bengt Jönsson
Professor Emeritus of Health Economics
Stockholm School of Economics (SSE)

Duane Schulthess
Managing Director
Vital Transformation
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