WEBINAR: Equity and Outcomes, Ensuring Fair Access to Healthcare
28 September 2021, 4pm-5.30pm UK
Life expectancy is generally on the increase, including healthy life expectancy. New treatments that have greatly improved the chance of survival following the diagnosis of life-threatening diseases.
However, comparisons of survival rates reveal striking differences among countries for cancers, cardiovascular disorders and other serious non-communicable and communicable diseases, even between countries with a similar GDP. What are the reasons for these differences and, more importantly, what are the best ways to address them?
The aim of the session is to raise awareness among health policy makers, clinical and biotechnology, health professionals, academics and interested public and patients about gaps and needs for equity in health outcomes and fair access to healthcare.

Bettina Ryll
Cancer Mission- board member at European Commission
Founder of Melanoma Patient Network Europe

Ihsane Hmamouchi
rheumatologist, epidemiologist;
Founder of Epirheum.com,
Rabat, Morocco

Jacoline Bouvy
Technical Director, NICE Scientific Advice,

Ole Petter Ottersen
Karolinska Institute

Ken Redekop

Donald RJ Singer
Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine
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