Better Science, Better Health
IP: Barrier or Creator of Sustainable Healthcare?
4 October, 7.30-8.45 CET, Bad Hofgastein

Eva Grut-Aandahl,
VP, Head of European Government Affairs,

Yannis Natsis,
Policy Manager for Universal Access & Affordable Medicines,
European Public Health Alliance

Emil Pot,
Former Co-Founder ActoGeniX;
Guest Lecturer Antwerp University;
Patent Attorney

Nicola Bedlington,
Secretary General,
European Patients’ Forum

Duane Schulthess,
Managing Director,
Vital Transformation
About this session:
This breakfast session will offer an open debate on the role of IP in EU healthcare innovation, focused on the appropriate role and balance for both public funding and private investments, supported by new research on EU biotech success factors produced by Vital Transformation. Speakers will discuss in a pro-con format whether IP is a problem or a solution to our healthcare needs, and what role the EU will play in supporting next-generation health technologies to promote a sustainable R&D infrastructure in Europe.
This session will cover:
- The role of public and private funding in developing new health technologies
- The drivers of success that impact high-growth biotech companies
- The current gap emerging between EU, US, and Chinese IP productivity in healthcare
- The current international debate on pricing and IP in the bio-pharmecutical setor
- The role of the EU in supporting next-generation health technologies in the next 5 year budget
Check the full programme of the conference here
The research:
The dataset of the research is available upon request.
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