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Advanced Therapies – Opportunities and Challenges
14th November, London
Click on the name of the speaker to download the slide deck
Keynote Session: “The Future of Advanced Therapies”
- Peter Goodfellow, Scientific Advisor, Abingworth
“Regenerating the Future, Again” - Ian Campbell, Director for Health and Life Sciences, Innovate UK
“Innovate UK Supporting Research Development & Manufacturing in Advanced Therapies” - Christian K Schneider, Director, National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC)
“Advanced Therapies – regulatory challenges”
Building Effective R&D Partnerships to Accelerate ATMPs
- Seigo Izumo, Senior Vice President for Regenerative Medicine, Takeda Pharmaceuticals
- Eduardo Bravo, Chief Executive Officer, TiGenix; EBE President
- Qasim Rafiq, Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Bioprocessing of Regenerative, Cellular and Gene Therapies, UCL
- Keith Thompson, Chief Executive Officer, Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult
ATMPs as Cures – The Opportunities and Challenges for Europe
- Michaël Hocquemiller, Scientific Director, Lysogene
“Pioneering gene therapies for CNS disorders” - Adrien Lemoine, VP Business Development & Operations, Orchard Therapeutics
“Overcoming the complex challenges associated with the development of ex vivo gene therapies for rare diseases” - Karen Hodgkin, Chief Operating Officer, Cell Medica
“Cell Medica: Novel approaches for the treatment of Solid Tumours” - James McBlane, CAT Alternate Member, Preclinical Assessor, UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
“Partnering well together – creating a global ecosystem for advanced therapies”
R&D and Commercialisation 2020 – Maximising the Value of European Innovation
- Magda Papadaki, Head of Product and Process Innovation, Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)
- Barbara Freischem, Executive Director, European Biopharmaceutical Enterprises (EBE)
- Deborah Morrison, Senior Scientific Adviser, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
- Michael Stein, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman, Oxstem Ltd
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